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Aims2UNC makes it easier to achieve your academic goals! We've simplified the transition 在Aims社区学院和北科罗拉多大学之间,所以你可以 focus on what matters most — earning your degree.

Aims 2unc是Aims社区学院和该大学之间的创新合作伙伴关系 of Northern Colorado. 当你被录取到Aims2UNC项目时,你将被考虑 两个校区的学生,允许你参与每个校区,包括访问 以你认为最有意义的方式,向设施、活动、俱乐部和组织捐款.

我们的过渡项目不同于传统的转移项目,因为 而不是专注于一个时间点(转移点),它很快就开始了 as you are accepted into the program. Our holistic approach is centered on developing 在两个校区都有社区意识和归属感,并提供精简的建议 让你实现从博天堂官方获得四年制学位的目标. To these 也就是说,我们鼓励未来的学生在入学后尽快申请 courses at Aims.


Connect with us

如果您有问题或需要更多信息,请与我们联系 Transition Advisor.

Phone: 970-339-6557
Email: aims2unc@aims.edu 

Student applying

Eligibility Requirements

Requirements to Submit an Applications:

  • Earn high school diploma or equivalent
  • 申报文学副学士(AA)、科学副学士(AS)或应用副学士 Aims社区学院平面设计科学(AAS).
  • 在你打算开始学习的学期里,至少在Aims注册一门课程
  • Must have 2 semesters (or more) remaining at Aims. Aims s剩余学期不足两个学期的学生应与 Aims Transfer Services, who will assist with their planning. 
  • 如果你想使用UNC的设施,活动和服务,你需要 submit your Immunization records and have no previous holds at UNC.

Steps to Apply to the Aims2UNC Program

To be considered for the Aims2UNC program you must:

  1. 在校学生(新学生或在读学生),已获得高中文凭 or equivalent. 

  2. 申报艺术副学士,科学副学士,或适用的副学士 Applied Science at Aims

  3. 在你希望参加该项目的学期,至少在Aims注册一门课程. 如果您在加入我们的课程之前需要帮助注册课程,我们会帮助您 work with Pathway Advising. 学生必须在Aims剩余两个学期才能加入Aims2UNC.

    剩余学期不足两个学期的学生应与 Aims Transfer Services, who will assist with their planning. 

  4. Submit the Aims2UNC Application

注意:计划在Aims或UNC攻读护理专业的学生应联系 Aims Pathway Advising. If you are attempting to apply to  the UNC Dual Enrollment Program for Nursing, please work with the Aims Nursing Department & UNC Nursing Department to complete the application process.

Scholarship opportunities

unsc的参与者可能有资格在第二学期开始获得奖学金 of the program. 奖学金每学期可续期至毕业 Aims, and can equal up to $500 a semester.* 


  • Earn at least 12 credit hours at Aims,
  • 完成两个咨询预约与Aims2UNC顾问
  • Participate in two Aims2UNC engagement activities,
  • Maintain a 3.0 (or higher) cumulative GPA, and
  • 在接下来的学期中,在Aims注册至少6个学分.

*奖学金数额取决于入学状况,并将基于学位 已申报的AA/AS或适用的AAS学位的完成要求

UNC Bear at commenecement


作为这两所学校的学生,你可以接触到每个校园最好的东西 has to offer. Here’s a snapshot of all the benefits:


Free Applications

All application fees are covered. This includes the aims application, the Aims2UNC application, and the UNC application upon transition.


Individualized Advising

Students are advised by an Aims2UNC Transition Advisor 谁接受了交叉培训,以支持计划参与者达到他们的目标 and long-term goals at both institutions.


Access to UNC Services, Events and Clubs

You'll have student ID for both campuses! Attend UNC sporting events, get student rates, use the recreation center, student health center.


Streamlined Transition Courses

Don't worry about whether courses will transfer. We'll guide you through which courses count towards your bachelor's degree.


Engagement Activities

以建立归属感和社区为中心,在两个校园都有参与活动 will assist you in your transition to UNC.


Meet your transition advisors

为了使您的过渡尽可能容易,您将使用Aims2UNC过渡 Advisor to develop your customized transition plan.

Steve Mitchell, Aims2UNC Transition Advisor

Steve Mitchell

Aims2UNC Coordinator 

“我很高兴能成为Aims2UNC项目的一员,并为 what this partnership can accomplish moving forward. Since I am a native of Northern 我来自科罗拉多州,父母都是公共教育工作者,能积极地帮助他们对我来说意义重大 impact the local educational landscape. As a graduate of a junior college, a four-year 因此,我认为利用社区大学的课程很有价值 在获得学士学位,追求个人和职业目标的过程中 through various educational opportunities. It is my goal to develop a program that 以吸引人、方便和有效的方式为Aims2UNC学生服务."


Jackie Chabot

Coordinator, Transitions Programs

“作为这两所大学的校友,与Aims2UNC项目合作具有特殊的意义 meaning to me. 通过我自己的教育历程,包括上大学 作为一个传统的和非传统的学生,我知道每个学生的身份 comes with its own set of challenges. I understand that it isn’t always easy to juggle 工作,朋友和家庭,同时追求你的教育目标. This is especially 当生活在最意想不到的时刻给你带来难题时,这是真的 to stay on track at times. In this program I will look to create programming that 能让你以一种你觉得最有意义的方式参与到两个校园中去吗 当你从Aims食蚁兽转变为UNC熊时,你将沿着前进的道路前进."

Jacob Sutton

Jacob Sutton

Senior Advisor

“我很高兴能成为Aims2UNC团队的一员,我对这一切感到非常兴奋 doors this program can open for students. As 1 of 7 children in my family, we were 总是在想怎样才能找到通往高等教育的捷径. Eventually 我的道路把我带到了北科罗拉多大学,在那里我学习和工作 before joining the Aims2UNC Team. 我希望通过我的经验和人脉 我可以帮助学生从Aims食蚁兽过渡到博天堂官方熊. 我也希望我能成为一个支持你的顾问,在你的 成功就是你在学习之路上的进步. Life is full of transitions 我的建议哲学“目标”是成为一名学生的顾问 as they navigate those."

Aug 29, 2023